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Storyboard compared to the trailer


Updated: May 25, 2022

How similar was your final shots compared to the storyboard? How useful was the storyboard to your final edit and on the shoot?

This shot was meant to represent being in prison and just have no emotion, on the story bored this shot will be 5 and 6, and they are a quite similar to each other.

which did you do differently?


What would you redo if you could shoot your trailer again?

probably try put more emotions in it, be more serious. maybe try to be more dramatic in some scenes.

This shot represents the crime scene and on the storyboard it is the 3rd picture along. Its showing where the crime took place.

This photo is quite accurate to this first picture drawn on the storybored, this was when i killed the vicim.

This N is netflix and it is at the start of the trailer.

This one relates to the first one on the storybored from when the victim was first spotted

This one looks like the 3rd one because thats when the victim was getting attacked.

This shot is like 5 on the story bored because the victim is getting stabbed.

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